My Ma doesn't hold back when Easter time rolls around. After a bit of a lag after Christmas decorations come down, the bright Spring decor is a welcome sight. Rabbits, chicks, pastels and the Easter tree you can see above are all involved in this yearly spectacle. She goes just as crazy with Easter eggs - I think my record for the number received in one year is 12... The holiday also involves meeting up with the Italian side of the family and eating a lot of food (- seriously, a lot). So, throwing a spanner in the works with this whole vegan situation, just how did I make it work? Simples.
Let's talk chocolate. I recieved a bar of fancy dark chocolate from my family as well as a Choices Caramel Egg. The latter was a real treat - the egg itself came with three beautiful caramel chocs that tasted a bit like Lindt chocolate truffles (big fan) and the egg was slightly caramelly too. I'd never heard of the brand before but was very pleasantly surprised, and I believe they are available at Tesco and Holland & Barratt amongst other places, so you don't have to make a trip to a specialist store to fulfil your chocolately desires. Dreamy.
Food wise, my aunt kindly catered to my needs and made me a vegan shepard's pie for my Easter lunch with sweet potato crust which blew my mind (the Jamie Oliver recipe can be found here). She even made me a vegan raspberry and pear crumble made with vegan butter for dessert. I felt truly spoilt and left their house very food-happy.
A big detterent from going vegan is often the idea of not being able to enjoy food at big family get-togethers and events. Even though I know that not everybody has the luxury of people making bespoke meals everytime you go to their house, you could always bring the main part of your meal with you! You could offer for it to be your contribution to the food on offer, or just for you individually. There should always be veggies and grains like rice or pasta etc. that you can use to bulk up your plate with at these types of reunions, so that it really shouldn't be a problem. The amount of new vegan substitutes that come about day by day amazes me - I even discovered there's such a thing as an all-vegan cheese shop. I know, mind blowing ey.
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