Hurraw Lip Balm Review

If you've watched my channel before, you may know that I am a Crazy Rumours lip balm fangirl through & through. I freaking LOVE those balms. But variety is the spice of life, or so they say, so I decided to try out these balms by Hurraw. Here is my two cents on the two scents Vanilla and Cherry.
BRAND Hurraw.
VEGAN Yes. All of their balms are 100% animal-free.
PRICE Pretty pricey. I got mine from Naturisimo (my fav green beauty stocker) and on there they retail for £4.99 which isn't massively cheap.
SCENT Both smell nice and natural and as described.
PROS Like the scent and the brand ethos. The Cherry balm leaves a nice pink tint to the lips, whereas the Vanilla is clear.

CONS I find these don't last very long on my lips and I need to reapply a lot more frequently than other balms I've tried. They also slightly dry my lips out, which seems counter intuitive. I'm not sold on them, I have to be honest. I would recommend the Crazy Rumours balms over these anyday - they're more affordable, easier to get hold of, and quite frankly, better. 


  1. These are my fav lip balms! I agree, the cherry flavor feels like they dry out my lips. I like the moon/night balm version and the unscented version—they're far more moisturizing!

    1. I'm glad you agree! Oh thank you, I may have to try those ones instead! Xxx

  2. These sound fab! I'm a lip balm obsessive & not discovered these yet. Must hunt them down x


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