Are 100% Pure cruelty free?

Yessiree. 100% Pure are 100% cruelty-free. They are Leaping Bunny approved and have some amazing products. I'm just biding my time until they come to the UK instore somewhere! 

Having contacted the customer service team, they don't actually have a list of vegan friendly products for me to share with y'all which is a bit of a bugger. But do not fear, for I am in the process of going through and manually checking each product's ingredients for anything animal-derived. Needless to say it's taking a little bit of time. Watch this space!

Have you ever tried anything from 100% Pure? I did a massive online haul on YouTube a little while ago - and I feel another one coming on soon... 

1 comment

  1. Wow this seems like a gorgeous brand, with lovely packaging so it’s pleasing to see they are cruelty-free. I would love to see them be available in UK stores too. Great post and look forward to more updates! :-) xx

    Helen | Helen’s Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


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